Post 6 - My last blog :c
Hello! This is going to be my last blog of the year :c Well… following the idea I wrote to you on my last blog. The topics that interest me are from Human Resources to yoga haha That’s why I’ll tell you about some postgraduate course degree that I’d like to study in the future. I don’t know if the English teacher magically read my mind (or hacked my email lol), but recently I asked my professor of “Gestion de Personas” if he could recommend me a course in HHRR to specialize. He recommended three Universities; Catholic University, Adolfo Ibañez University and University of Chile. Of course, the last one it’s the one I’m most interested in, not only because I already study here, because I might need to get a scholarship that allows me to study without so much trouble. My teacher told me that there are many human resources postgraduate so that i should look for one that catches my attention and just sing up when I’m ready. I would like to take a course to specialize in human r...